united states - Was Martin Luther King taped by the FBI while ...
Oct 5, 2015 · Many sources conclude that the FBI have documentation of MLK's adultery, and many sources conclude that he was an adulterer. All information comes from the FBI and filtered through Lyndon B. Johnson. Consider the atmosphere of the country - there was a civil rights movement taking place and J. Edgar Hoover was extremely fervor in his collection ...
Did the FBI write a letter to Martin Luther King Jr, blackmailing him ...
Jan 18, 2022 · That William Sullivan, or anyone at the FBI, penned the letter is based on, first, that during the Church Committee hearings and investigations in 1975 (over a decade later), a copy was discovered in the work files of Sullivan, and second, in 2017 when the NYT reports to have found an unredacted copy in J. Edgar Hoover's confidential files at the National Archives.
quotes martin-luther-king - Skeptics Stack Exchange
Oct 4, 2018 · According to 54,900 Google results, Martin Luther King Jr. said in 1961: Do you know that Negroes are 10 percent of the population of St. Louis and are responsible for 58 percent of its crimes...
quotes martin-luther-king - Skeptics Stack Exchange
Jan 10, 2017 · Incidentally, there is some controversy as to the origin of this quote. Legend actually has Martin Luther saying this. But there is no written record of the reformer speaking these words. Apparently, the first written evidence of this saying comes from 1944 by a priest named Karl Lotz. In any case, it was MLK Jr who popularized the quote.
united-states quotes martin-luther-king - Skeptics Stack Exchange
May 3, 2011 · This is similar to the attributed quotation. As a Protestant minister who championed a cause that placed himself and those around him in mortal danger, it is quite plausible that MLK saw fit to paraphrase and discuss this proverb and its application to life from time to time.
Was everything Hitler did in Germany legal?
Oct 5, 2015 · I think MLK's point was whether Hitler's actions, at the time they were taken, and according to German law at that time, were legal or illegal. And if they were both evil but at the same time legal, then we can today not take "legal" vs. …
Did the single motherhood rate jump to 70% since the 1960s?
Jan 26, 2021 · When interpreting MLK's 1957 words, you need to understand the 1957 moral mindset. The birth control pill (1960) did not yet exist. It was illegal to distribute contraceptive information to both married couples (1965) and single people (1971). Out-of-wedlock births were so shameful that pregnant girls were sent away to "visit an aunt in the ...
Are these pictures of Osama Bin Laden with Obama, Rice and …
Jun 11, 2020 · Hillary Clinton: Fake. Snopes explains. A photograph of Hillary Clinton shaking hands with terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden has circulated online (divorced from its original context) ever since it was created for a Photoshop contest held back in 2007 by the web site FreakingNews.com
psychology - Did Lewandowsky use dodgy data in his paper …
Apr 3, 2013 · MLK assassination conspiracy: 90. New World Order conspiracy: 70. 9-11 attacks conspiracy: 69. Roswell UFO conspiracy: 47. SARS disease conspiracy: 42. Area 51 UFO conspiracy: 35. Princess Diana assassination conspiracy: 25. Reject HIV-AIDS link: 16. Reject smoking-lung cancer link: 11. Moon landing hoax conspiracy: 10
intelligence - Are we getting smarter? - Skeptics Stack Exchange
The example which he gives of that, is his going home from university in 1955 in the time of MLK and saying to his father (who was born in 1885), "What if you were Black?" His father wouldn't accept the hypothesis and therefore wouldn't sympathize with the …