With all the sightings of strange objects in the sky, people have been wondering for decades what these things can be.
As the sky over Sacramento (California's capital) fills with starry diamonds on a calm, restful night...a shape suddenly ...
AN ENNISKILLEN man has reported mysterious white and green lights which he saw dart over Enniskillen last week.
Reports of unexplained aerial phenomena have been recorded for centuries. However, there is no consensus on what constitutes ...
Amid a terrifying spate of plane crashes, an uptick in UFO sightings seems to be making plane travel even more ...
LEAKED audio from a military pilot revealed he saw a “weird” flying object pass his under plane just 10 feet away. The close ...
The Angels singer, 51, has long been fascinated by the unexplained, but the pop icon says his days of spotting UFOs are ...
"Congress has redefined what were formerly called 'unidentified flying objects' [UFOs] to first 'unidentified aerial ...
June 21, 1947, began as a particularly warm summer day on Maury Island, Washington. It ended with Harold Dahl encountering ...
Passengers in Turkey were left stranded for hours the other day after flights were suspended. Airport workers had picked up on a strange object flying around the area, prompting them to halt ...