The polar vortex is struggling to restart this year. We are talking about a vast area of ​​low pressure that rotates above ...
The Pope’s words have embarrassed the hyper-progressive left, always ready to praise the pontiff when he talks about migrants ...
Towards an early rate cut?Meanwhile we have reached another historic high Inflation in France and Spain fell more than ...
Josep Ejarque, Cristina Mottironi, Stefano Passaquindici, Sabrina Talarico, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, Barbara Mazzali, Paolo ...
Fawziathis is the leaked name but which is certainly fictional to protect her, is a girl Yazidi kidnapped by ISIS in Iraq and ...
Pantani, another “shot” in the final at the Turin Book Fair The “Last time Pantani left” is a collective diary written by ...