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Telefónica has been recognized as a Leader in the first Gartner Magic Quadrant for 4G and 5G Private Mobile Network Services ...
The company is showing a very active start of the year in terms of financing thanks to the bond issued today and the ...
Access to telecommunications is essential, but the digital divide persists. Universal Service Funds aim to close this gap, ...
We are starting from a new strategic vision at European level, one that was born out of Spain’s own reflection within its ...
Blue Monday is known as the saddest day of the year and is another of those days that have recently appeared in our lives ...
According to data from the same report we have been talking about, the average daily use of smartphones will be 5 hours and ...
Rafael Alberto Méndez-Romero, Ph.D., tiene un pregrado en Matemáticas, una especialización en Matemática Aplicada, un máster en Modelización Matemática y Computacional y un doctorado en Didáctica de ...
Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas. Master en Ingeniería y Gestión de las Telecomunicaciones en la UPM. Programa Superior en Ingeniería y Gestión Medioambiental en la EOI. En mi trayectoria en Telefónica ...
Rafael Alberto Méndez-Romero, Ph.D. obtained his undergraduate degree in Mathematics, a Specialisation in Applied Mathematics, a Master's degree in Mathematical and Computational Modelling and a Ph.D.
Podemos hacer una clasificación en 4 grandes grupos en base a la localización y la oferta de servicios. Qué es la Nube Pública y sus características Son los servicios de cómputo y almacenamiento que ...