DUBROVNIK - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday he had pointed out at a Ukraine-Southeast Europe summit in ...
BELGRADE - At a meeting with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Balkans Alexander Kasanof, Serbian FM ...
Brnabic and Kasanof devoted special attention to implementation of recommendations by the OSCE Office for Democratic ...
OPLENAC - The terrorist assassination of King Alexander I Karadjordjevic of Yugoslavia (1888-1934) was an event that made history as his death was essentially the first shot of WWII, Serbian PM Milos ...
BELGRADE - Serbian Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic met with Finnish Parliament Speaker Jussi Halla-aho in Belgrade on Tuesday evening to discuss EU integration, as well as lithium, with Finland to ...
Na naplatnim stanicama, prema poslednjim informacijama dobijenim od JP "Putevi Srbije", nema zadržavanja vozila. Prema ...
BEOGRAD - Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić sastaće se danas sa podsekretarom SAD za ekonomski rast, energetiku i životnu ...
BEOGRAD - Zbog planiranih radova na vodovodnim mrežama u Beogradu, danas će bez vode biti delovi Zvezdare, Barajeva i ...
BEOGRAD - Predsednik Republike Srbije Aleksandar Vučić biće domaćin predsedniku Republike Turske Redžepu Tajipu Erdoganu, ...
MAJAMI - U javnim skloništima na Floridi nalazi se oko 30.000 ljudi evakuisanih zbog dolaska uragana Milton, a guverner ...
BEOGRAD - Prvi potpredsednik vlade i ministar finansija Siniša Mali predsedavaće danas sednicom Koordinacionog tela Vlade ...
BEOGRAD - Čestitam igračima, ovo je timska pobeda. Mislim da su svi koji su igrali dali maksimum, ovo je način na koji hoću ...