The prototype of a Chinese lunar rover designed for the country's manned lunar missions is now in its initial development phase, according to a statement made by the China Academy of Space Technology ...
A human rights group called on Thailand to fully investigate three soldiers for the "horrific" death of a Myanmar migrant on the border earlier this year, saying they had tortured and beaten the man.
President Xi Jinping is calling for more efforts to maintain China's fertility levels and population size, state news agency Xinhua reported on Friday, as the country grapples with the fallout of an a ...
開明投資(00768)公布, 預期截至9月30日止六個月扭虧為盈, 未經審核綜合中期業績錄得溢利約570萬元, 而去年同期則錄得未經審核虧損.         預期之溢利乃主要由於按公平值於損益賬列賬之財務資產之變現及末變現收益所致.