The political crisis in South Korea has caused Seoul to collapse and the won to plummet. In Europe, the stock markets are ...
Donatella Versace, creative director of Medusa, will have her contract expire in February but, according to press rumors, she ...
Osamu Suzuki, the longtime former president and CEO of Suzuki Motor Corporation, has died at the age of 94. Under his ...
La bolsa italiana recupera impulso y es la maglia rosa de Europa. Destaca Stellantis. El precio del petróleo se está ...
La Borsa italiana ritrova slancio ed è la maglia rosa in Europa. Svetta Stellantis. In ripresa il prezzo del petrolio che ...
在对总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨进行不信任投票及其联盟崩溃后,提前选举成为恢复该国政治稳定的唯一解决方案 在预期和不可避免的举动中, 德国总统弗兰克-瓦尔特施泰因迈尔 正式 联邦议院解散,凝视着 23 月 XNUMX 日提前选举 in ...
Osamu Suzuki, fostul președinte istoric și CEO al Suzuki Motor Corporation, a murit la vârsta de 94 de ani. Sub conducerea sa ...
ইতালীয় স্টক এক্সচেঞ্জ গতি ফিরে পায় এবং ইউরোপের গোলাপী জার্সি। স্টেলান্টিস দাঁড়িয়ে আছে। তেলের দাম পুনরুদ্ধার হচ্ছে, ব্যারেল 70 ডলার ছাড়িয়েছে। পুতিনের কথায় গ্যাস উঠে যায়। ওয়াল স্ট্রিট এবং নাসডা ...
In 2024, 25 projects worth over 2,3 billion euros were approved for the development of the national electricity grid. Among ...
اعتبارًا من 1 يناير 2025، في ميلان entrerà in vigore una nuova restrizione al fumo. A partire da questa data, in tutto il comune del capoluogo milanese sarà vietato fumare all’aperto in tutte le aree ...
The action plan, activated with the aim of protect the safety of passengers and workers of the FS Group, involved 250 members ...
Assolombarda 总裁 Alessandro Spada 强调需要制定富有远见的产业政策来应对经济挑战并捍卫欧洲汽车行业。 2025年预算因缺乏对工业4.0的关注以及严格的IRES保费要求而受到批评 经济形势的挑战、欧洲产业政策和预算法的选择 ...