1Gwylia beth rwyt ti’n ei wneud wrth fynd i addoli Duw. Dos yno i wrando, ddim i gyflwyno offrwm ffyliaid, oherwydd dydy’r rheiny ddim yn gwybod eu bod nhw’n gwneud rhywbeth o’i le. 2Paid bod yn rhy ...
22Because all those men which have seen my glory, and my miracles, which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tempted me now these ten times, and have not hearkened to my voice; ...
Father Joseph Columba (a priest who loves to sing the psalms) explores Psalm 110 in reflections originally appearing in Rooted: ‘The LORD [YHWH] says to my Lord [Adonai]: “Sit at my right hand”’ ...
Meet Rianne, Josh and Dan! These are the guys that will be journeying with you as you get stuck into this epic version of the Bible! This video was produced to support the content on page 1 of the ...
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Christians in China are seeking discipleship. Ma Li is one of many learning how to live our her faith. Read her story and ...
In Costa Rica, the Ngäbe people are experiencing Scripture for the first time. The more they read of it, they more they want it. In celebration of this, 39 people here at home have stepped forward and ...
On 30 September every year, the United Nations marks the importance of translation and the world-changing work of language professionals. They picked that date because it’s the feast of St Jerome, who ...
The Parables Edition of Rooted, Bible Society’s devotional subscription journal, is available to buy as a one-off purchase for a limited time this autumn. This Rooted journal features poetry from ...
Small-group study among Chinese Christians is widely desired for its transformative impact. They start as Bible studies but become life-changing discipleship groups, and that’s down to the training ...
This past April, I went to Spring Harvest at the Minehead site for the first time since 2019. I had been to the Skegness site the previous two years, but seeing as the guests in Minehead tend to be ...