During the cruise, he was responsible for the two unmanned vessels. While Frigg covered most of the Hardangerfjord and ...
Young sea ice breaks apart more easily than old ice. Breakup of large areas of sea ice has become increasingly more common.
The bacteria yersiniosis is becoming a serious problem for the salmon industry. Researchers are now using environmental DNA ...
Even students who seem to have been written off by everyone can regain their self-confidence, according to new research.
Although milder winters can be beneficial for many deer populations, warmer summers with changing precipitation will likely ...
A treatment programme involving intense training before the patient decides on surgery or not, results in fewer knee problems ...
When the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin was published in 1852, it became a tremendous success. The main character in the story is Tom, an enslaved man. The novel quickly gained significant political ...
How do people respond when they read their own medical records? Do their answers vary depending on whether they have received mental or physical healthcare? Do they find errors, omissions, or ...
Group B streptococci (GBS) are a type of bacteria that can cause severe blood stream infection, also known as sepsis, in newborns. Globally, about 400,000 newborns develop a serious GBS infection ...
There was something of a revolution in our understanding of rivers about eight years ago. Rivers in Colombia, New Zealand, and India were granted what is called ‘legal personhood.’ This means that the ...
Female students, particularly high-achieving ones, are less likely to use AI tools compared to male students. This is a gap that could reinforce existing gender inequalities in the workforce, ...