Imagine being able to ‘cheat’ the seasons and live in an everlasting summer, or at least avoid the worst of the winter chill. Well, many birds do just that. The power of flight enables avians to move ...
Each year, the arrival and departure of migratory birds herald the changing seasons and fill us with wonder for the natural world. Have you ever wondered about all the dangers they face en route ...
There is a lot more to bird communication than how a bird sings to attract a mate or the calls it makes in response to threats to a nest site or territory. Bird body language tells us a great deal ...
Have you ever pondered on whether the egg or the chicken came first? Well, perhaps it was the nest. A bird’s egg is a fragile life form. If incubated correctly, it takes anything from a few days to a ...
The avian beak and skull are incredibly specialized structures that highlight the diversity of birds and even provide hints at how evolution has shaped life on Earth. Have you ever wondered why bird’s ...
Birds have developed amazing solutions to everyday problems, including specialized morphology, hunting, foraging, and migration habits. However, sometimes teamwork is essential to get the job done, ...
Have you ever stopped to think about the incredible diversity in bird lifestyles? No matter which country you live in, you can find birds living in practically every habitat and capitalizing on any ...
Known as the jewel of the garden, the Ruby-throated Hummingbird is North America's most common hummingbird. This tiny, vibrant bird, primarily recognized by its glimmering green body and radiant ...
Known for their vibrant green plumage and the distinctive rose-coloured ring around the males' necks, Rose-ringed Parakeets are a common sight in both their native habitats of Africa and South Asia, ...
Each bird family carries a unique tale of evolution, habitat, and behavior. From the majestic raptors to the enchanting songbirds, discover each family in our in-depth guides below to start learning ...
Learn all about birds, in our ever-growing collection of species guides amd articles.
Flight is probably the first thing associated with birds, and rightly so. This amazing ability has allowed avians to live in diverse habitats worldwide, often traveling thousands of miles on migration ...