Consumer sentiment fell in January for the first time in six months, according to U-M survey. What's next as Trump creates ...
With concerns over Trump's funding freeze ongoing, colleges reliant on federal research grants are scrambling, Morehouse College President David Thomas said.
The opening days of the second Trump administration have sent many higher education communities into a state of confusion and raw fear.
President Donald Trump issued a memo ordering a freezing of federal funds. After lawsuits and a federal judge issuing an ...
This student card earns 2% cash back on up to $1,000 per quarter in combined spending on gas and at restaurants, plus 1% on everything else.
An executive order aimed at freezing federal loans and grants that was ultimately blocked by a judge then scrapped by the White House set off a firestorm that left local ...
U.S. President Donald Trump rescinded an order to pause all federal grants and loans which caused panic at HBCUs. The 48 hours that the sweeping order was active created a flurry of lawsuits, panic at ...
President Donald J. Trump’s administration appeared to abandon its proposed freeze on hundreds of billions of dollars in aid on Wednesday in the face of legal setbacks and widespread opposition, ...
While the Trump administration rescinded an order blocked by a federal judge that had frozen federal grants, local entities were concerned.
Scrambling to respond to the Trump administration’s late Monday night directive to pause a wide, but as-yet-unspecified, swath of federal spending programs, California’s Democratic elected officials a ...
The potential freeze caused concern for college students who feared it would have an impact on their financial aid.
The University of South Alabama sent out an email to students, faculty and staff saying they are monitoring the situation.