After Bloober Team’s excellent Silent Hill 2 remake, I’m willing to give the developer the benefit of the doubt when it comes to its brand of horror games. It certainly helps that its next effort, ...
Our Darkest Days will launch in Early Access for PC via Steam on April 9 for $24.99, developer PikPok announced. A Mac version will follow. It will ...
Publisher Skybound Games and developer Broken Mirror Games, a new publishing label under Bloober Team, have announced I Hate This Place, an open-world survival horror game based on the comic ...
From the comic of the same name comes an all new horror challenge published by Broken Mirror Games, a new publishing label ...
As Israel resumes its genocidal campaign, wiping out entire Palestinian families, the world justifies the slaughter, ignores ...
From the haunting Depths to Majora’s Mask’s looming doom, Zelda is rich with horror, and a spin-off could offer a chilling, ...
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed-up by the dog of a dead man had been part of a ...
The SPCA has intervened in four cases where registered NPOs, soliciting public donations, have neglected the animals they ...
The Twilight Zone has been capturing imaginations since its run from 1959 to 1964...and that includes film directors.
The uncle of a Connecticut boy allegedly starved and kept captive in a house by his cruel stepmother said he was prevented ...
New satellite images seemingly show hundreds of refugees seeking shelter at a Russian air base in Syria. The images from ...