És incomprensible que algú de 3Cat hagi pogut pensar, com així ha estat, que podia ser de profit dedicar uns xavos, ni que ...
"Utilitzen la memòria com una moneda de canvi. Quina qualitat democràtica té el Partit Popular, perquè Vox tots sabem qui és.
Tan a prop i tan lluny. És el que em transmet la comarca del Penedès, poc representada als restaurants de La Gourmeteria. És ...
Trump pregona els seus grans èxits, però creix la inquietud davant les seves vel·leïtats amb Putin i els aranzels. Els ...
Les parets de l'edifici on es debatia ... estic segur que Llarena tampoc no comptava veure's un dia en una situació com la d'aquest dilluns. Aquí sí que Pedro Sánchez ha donat una nítida instrucció i ...
Saturday Night Live’s 50th-anniversary special has been a nostalgia trip. The show has brought back cast members, iconic guests, and recurring sketches from seasons past. It also brought back a ...
San Pedro’s artisan bakery and café Colossus is getting even bigger with a third location opening with a more robust menu. “We want to make sure that we’re as good as we’ve always been ...
During their little staycation, they reveal, Matthew became infatuated with Rinaldo, Domingo’s brother played by Pedro Pascal. “Came all this way, had to explain direct from Rinaldo,” he sings.
"She's in the middle of New York and she screams to the sky," Carpenter sings before Domingo (Marcello Hernandez) belts, "That what she's looking for, is this hung Latin guy!" Esther Kang is a ...
Trans ally Pedro Pascal continues to speak out for trans rights. In an Instagram post last week, the actor shared a photo of a sticker on a building declaring, “A world without trans people has ...
It’s Monday Tuesday (again). A lot happened over the long weekend. Here’s just some of what you might have missed… AUF WIEDERSEHEN: The new season of Bravo’s Project Runway will see the ...