With federal support, universities produce world-changing discoveries and the next generation of exquisitely well-trained ...
The NIH says funding cuts would save it billions of dollars a year. D.C.-area industry and academic leaders say it would cripple R&D.
The funding agency aims to cap “indirect costs” in biomedical research grants. But this behind-the-scenes work is crucial to making research happen.
Sweeping layoffs, funding freezes and executive orders have provoked outcry among federal researchers and their university partners, who fear that science itself is under siege.
A newly identified part of a brain circuit mixes sensory information, memories, and emotions to tell whether things are familiar or new, and important or just "background noise." ...
The National Institutes of Health under President Donald Trump announced this month that it was cutting payments covering ...
Grant funding uncertainty has jeopardized the sustainability of research projects and discouraged researchers.