Lego has announced a collaboration with Netflix to release a series of One Piece Lego sets "coming soon." The One Piece collaboration was announced by Lego with a short teaser trailer, below, showing ...
Iron Man is an iconic character in the Marvel Universe, and these are the most powerful versions of the character.
It's been over three years since Insomniac Games announced plans for Wolverine and we now have an update from one of the studio's executives. There are also rumours about an all-new Avengers ...
Want to build scenes from 'Interstellar', '2001', or 'Arrival'? These LEGO sci-fi sets could become reality—they just need your vote.
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device ...
“I’m thrilled to bring the Bricks & Minifigs experience to Fort Wayne,” Christopher Till, franchisee, said. “LEGO is a timeless toy that inspires creativity in people of all ages — from children to ...