You don’t just pay tax on your earnings and wealth – you’ll also pay indirect tax as part of your everyday, regular spending – but you might not realise it. These types of tax won’t come ...
The NIH, the largest funder of biomedical research in the U.S., will limit funding for indirect costs to 15%. Indirect costs cover expenses like building maintenance and administrative salaries.
Feria Material is the place for new discoveries, while Salón ACME offers a broader view of contemporary creativity, and we dug into the highlights and early sales at both fairs. Feria Material ...
Materials science is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the understanding and application of the properties of matter. Materials scientists study the connections between the underlying ...
Applied Materials, Inc. engages in the provision of manufacturing equipment, services, and software to the semiconductor, display, and related industries. The company operates through three ...
Materials Advances published a number of themed collections every year on timely and important topics, guest edited by members of the materials science community. Previous themed collections are ...
Bioinspired materials are synthetic materials whose structure, properties or function mimic those of natural materials or living matter. Examples of bioinspired materials are light-harvesting ...
Natural materials, such as wool and wood, come from living things or the ground. Synthetic materials, like plastic, are made from chemicals. Materials have different properties that make them ...
Synthetic materials are made from natural resources. Synthetic materials are made by chemically changing the starting substances to create a material with different characteristics. Some examples of ...
Lisa Schiff became the country’s leading art consultant, and drew her clients close. Then she stole millions from them. Now facing up to 20 years in prison, is she ready to repent? By Sarah ...
Every scientific and medical breakthrough, whether in basic or applied research, depends on the people who conduct the research, as well as the materials and laboratory ... of the research enterprise ...