After 22 years of silence as a Trappist monk in Iowa, Father Robert Valit, a self-proclaimed extrovert, decided to become a parish priest. Although he valued a life of prayer, Valit realized in 1972 ...
Cardinal Marc Ouellet challenged the church to worry less about creating something new, and more about treasuring what is ...
By turning to gratitude, we are lifted up by God’s grace. We are able to see God’s presence and providence everywhere and in ...
Jesus instituted the Eucharist to heal and unite humanity. Jesus faced rejection when He insisted that His body is real food ...
With some prudence, Catholics can benefit spiritually from the messages and spiritual practices associated with the alleged apparitions of Mary in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, said the Vatican ...
AS a Catholic, I was happy to see Pope Francis resonating so well with various religious groups during his recent 11-day ...
Pope Francis pointed to how Blessed Carlo made praying before the Eucharist “his most important daily appointment,” which ...
As part of the ongoing National Eucharistic Revival, the bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska, urged Catholics to be part of the “Walk ...
To fully experience love and hope, young people must approach the journey of life as pilgrims and not just sightseers seeking ...
Pope Francis greets young people displaying a U.S. flag in the Paul VI Audience Hall at the end of his weekly general ...
The University of San Diego (USD) celebrated the beginning of the fall semester with its annual Mass of the Holy Spirit ...
The overarching focus of the event was the “real presence”: talks, lectures, exhibitions, Masses, benediction, exhortations, ...