Jesus instituted the Eucharist to heal and unite humanity. Jesus faced rejection when He insisted that His body is real food ...
The following is a list of in-person and online worship services and events happening at churches and synagogues in the Oakland County area. Visit websites or call for service times and events. • ...
By turning to gratitude, we are lifted up by God’s grace. We are able to see God’s presence and providence everywhere and in ...
For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. All stand for the Collect Let us pray.
Stefanick, who had the crowd laughing, clapping and yelling “Amen” frequently, was the headliner Saturday at Diocesan Day of ...
In an interview at the 2024 International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador, Bishop Oscar Cantú explained the importance ...
After 22 years of silence as a Trappist monk in Iowa, Father Robert Valit, a self-proclaimed extrovert, decided to become a parish priest. Although he valued a life of prayer, Valit realized in 1972 ...
As part of the ongoing National Eucharistic Revival, the bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska, urged Catholics to be part of the “Walk ...
COMMENTARY: ‘The Nihil obstat indicates that the faithful can receive a positive encouragement for their Christian life ...
Simple gestures of piety, such as receiving Communion, sow harmony among humanity and can be acts of rebellion against evil, ...
The Catholic Church has been undergoing a long, slow shift, playing out on the timescale of centuries: a shift to distance ...
The overarching focus of the event was the “real presence”: talks, lectures, exhibitions, Masses, benediction, exhortations, ...