My Hero Academia's ending might have gotten's Deku conclusion quite right (Image via Bones). My Hero Academia's ending was originally poorly received but the new chapter 431, which was added in ...
Deku’s journey with One for All in My Hero Academia ended when he chose to sacrifice his power in order to connect with Shigaraki in the hopes of finally destroying All for One. While it was ...
A post-timeskip scene could be as simple as a single panel of the two holding hands, or even Deku just discussing his relationship with another character--"How is Ochaco doing?" is all it would ...
When All Might was gravely injured while fighting against All For One, Bakugo and Deku collaborated to take matters into their own hands. From almost dying at the hands of Shigaraki, Bakugo's ...
After learning the truth about One For All, Deku believed that he had to face this battle alone to prevent any getting injured, dying, or losing their Quirk. Bakugo, on the other hand, has always ...