Miami University's Center for Animal Behavior (CAB) provides opportunities to study animal behavior at many levels. Whether you investigate individuals within a population or study behavior at the ...
Intern with UW’s own Cowboy Branded Meats program, the National Western Stock Show and other animal and agricultural organizations. Clubs, Organizations & Teams Get involved and get experience in one ...
The Innate Assessment sets you up for success by pairing you with majors, colleges and careers that fit your unique skills and abilities. While one popular career path for animal science majors is ...
College staff can ask limited questions about your service animal. Service animals must be dogs or, in some cases, miniature horses. Discussing a service animal with a professor in advance is not ...
In our animal behavior major, which combines biology and psychology, you can pursue your own research alongside our teacher-scholar faculty with our amazing research resources on campus, and may even ...
Why major in animal science? Be part of solving one of humanity’s most critical grand challenges – the global demand for food and fiber. With the population expected to grow by 2.3 billion by 2050, ...
Why major in animal biosciences? Animal bioscientists are needed to answer questions related to how animals and animal systems function. They are interested in solving problems related to producing ...
In central Arkansas, Lyon College is preparing to build a School of Veterinary Medicine just outside of Little Rock. The school will also be co-located at the Cabot Animal Support Services facilities.
The Boston College Animal Facility is committed to providing humane care for animals while assisting Principle Investigators in their research pursuits. Before using the ACF or any equipment, ...
In the pursuit of valid research and in compliance with federal law, Boston College has an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). As stated in 9 CFR 2.31 (a), "The Chief Executive ...