Experts think the renowned Austrian Symbolist painted the artwork in 1897. An art gallery in Vienna has priced it at $16 ...
When Gérard Depardieu walks into a courtroom in Paris on Monday, he won’t just be facing two women accusing him of sexual ...
Sulpice, the Paris skyline symbolises the legacy left behind by Victor Hugo. Ahead of a new show opening at the Royal Academy, Michael Hodges follows the path of the celebrated French writer and ...
Here are five highlights from Immersify KL you won’t want to miss: In Canvas Oceania, a simple scan turns any illustration ...
This time we are returning to March and April 2011 yet these photos almost could be from now as they certainly don't look ...
Every day, a new consumer embarks on a quest to find that one perfect ring that encapsulates the emotional significance of ...
A striking early portrait by Gustav Klimt depicting Ghanaian Prince William Nii Nortey Dowuona may soon find a home in a ...
ADELE “SUPREME” WILLIAMS ... It’s always affirming when I would fill gallery spaces in New York, in Miami, in LA, and San Francisco. It’s always affirming when large groups will come ...
The Palisades fire destroyed a moviemaker's home, but not a bench seen in the classic 'Forrest Gump.' Forrest recounts his difficult life from a bench, so it's fitting this one survived.
The intersections along that busy thoroughfare through south Wichita Falls were the most dangerous for traffic crashes in 2024, according to information from the Wichita Falls Police Department.