Divided Highway signs come in a couple of varieties. The first is black and white, featuring diverging horizontal arrows with ...
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet activated a new traffic signal on Louisville Road (U.S. 60) at Minuteman Parkway on Thursday.
An Albuquerque police sergeant was hospitalized after a man in a stolen car T-boned him while running a red light Tuesday in ...
The Henderson Police Department is reminding motorists to be be safe on the roads after noticing an increasein crashes during ...
The Syracuse Department of Public Works will adjust the traffic signals at the intersection of South Geddes Street and West ...
The NYS Department of Transportation tells CBS6 traffic lights and other safety improvements are being considered for the Troy-Schenect ...
Victor Peterzen got a new bike for his 10th birthday. Three months later, he was killed in a crash in his northwest Houston neighborhood.
Unlike most other countries, Canada and the U.S. allow car companies to use either amber or red for rear turn signals, expert ...
This is around-up of all things traffic in Southwest Florida, from public planning meetings to updates on major projects.
No traffic street lights for one busy far eastside street! That's what's driving one viewer crazy this week.KFOX14 received ...
The driver of a tractor-trailer didn’t move over despite several highly visible warnings, and a state trooper died when the ...
Traffic Information during the Masters Tournament has been released. One new change is the location of a rideshare lot with a ...