A study from Cornell researchers could enable a quantum leap forward in identifying and deciphering cancer-driving genetic ...
Researchers at Purdue University have developed a computational solution to this problem named NuFold, which will model 3D RNA structures that could expedite medical discovery decades ahead of ...
NuFold’s code and Google Colab notebook are publicly available, making it accessible not only to researchers but also to anyone interested in RNA structural models. NuFold is ... for scientists to ...
And best of all, you can get started building up your 3D model library using nothing more than that phone in your pocket. If you want to know how to use the models that come out of photogrammetry ...
We are now in a position to study the tertiary structure of a single myoglobin molecule separated from its neighbours. Fig. 2 illustrates various views of a three-dimensional model constructed to ...
"We are finding the 3D structure of the genome," said Satoshi Namekawa, professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at the University of California, Davis and senior author on one of the papers.
Crick and Watson were trying to build a 3D model of the DNA molecule. But they were not the only ones working on finding its structure. They were competing with a team at King's College London ...