You might receive this document if you have freelance work, investment income, retirement distributions or other financial transactions.
Bombay High Court addressed the petition filed by Warkari Shikshan Sanstha, an educational institution, seeking condonation of delay in filing Form 10B for Assessment Years (AY) 2019-2020, 2021-2022, ...
3. This Petition concerns the Assessment Year 2022-23 and challenges the CIT (Exemptions) order dated 21 November 2023, which refused to condone a 15-day delay in filing Form- 10B of the Income Tax ...
SATURDAY, March 8, 2025 (HealthDay News) -- Cardiovascular disease is a general term that refers to many different types of heart problems. Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United ...
Other types of income, whether from contract work or investment income, get reported via a 1099 form. These 1099 forms start hitting your mailbox (and/or email inbox) in January (and even December ...
The Delhi High Court has temporarily halted the appointment of an ad-hoc committee by the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) to manage the Boxing Federation of India’s (BFI) affairs. The decision ...
If your business pays nonemployee compensation and other reportable payments, you must be aware of two forms: Form 1099-MISC and Form 1099-NEC. Many employers are likely familiar with Form 1099-MISC.
If you receive Social Security benefits, you’ll need the SSA-1099 form (or SSA-1042S for noncitizens) for tax filing. These forms are mailed in January, but if lost or missing, replacements can be ...
The Oregon Health Authority reported total community benefit spending fell to $2 billion in 2023 — nearly $192 ... a Portland-based health care consumer advocacy nonprofit group.
There is also a supplementary section to the form for managers where more than one location is included in the application. You will need to use one copy of this section for each additional location.
The illegal order by the IOA president issued on January 1 to form the ad-hoc committee cannot be sustained, it added. The petitioner therefore sought restoration of its status, alleging at no point ...