First-time applications from people seeking asylum in European Union countries declined in June, with Syrians, Venezuelans, and Afghans being the primary applicants, a report from the bloc's ...
GENEVA (Reuters) – It is possible to end the mpox outbreak in Burundi within weeks, a U.N. health official said on Friday, but progress in Africa’s second-worst affected country will depend on getting ...
La deuda pública británica llegó en agosto al 100% del producto interior bruto (PIB), según cifras oficiales publicadas el ...
Dois novos medicamentos que prometem abrandar a doença de Alzheimer geram controvérsias no mundo da medicina. Alguns pensam ...
N. è fuggito dall’Afghanistan da ragazzino. Alla fine di un viaggio lunghissimo ed estenuante è stato accolto in Ticino. Oggi ...
Mit 72 Gemälden, Skulpturen und Scherenschnitten zeigt die Fondation Beyeler in Riehen BS eine grosse Henri Matisse-Retrospektive. Die Ausstellung führt durch sämtliche Schaffensphasen des französisch ...