If you use Xiaomi smartphones, we are sure that you are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the innovative HyperOS 2.0 operating system. This should be available for Chinese users as early as October 10.
The Biostar Radeon RX 580 graphics card will be available soon. It will support at least the DirectX 12 graphics library, which is required by almost all modern games. Back in 2018, the Radeon RX 580 ...
An update for the base model of the series and the Plus variant, while the Pro and Pro Max remain at their current level. A week after Apple's big event that brought the new iPhone 16 series, Apple ...
The AMD Radeon RX 7800M mobile graphics card is based on the AMD Navi 32 graphics core. This will be intended for gaming laptops. AMD recently announced, according to many experts, one of the best ...
The Google 9 Pro Fold foldable smartphone is anything but durable. If we are not careful, we will easily destroy. Google recently launched its Pixel 9 lineup, which includes three regular phones and a ...
Ukoliko koristite Xiaomi pametne telefone, sigurni smo da željno iščekujete dolazak inovativnog HyperOS 2.0 operativnog sustava. Ovo bi trebalo biti dostupno kineskim korisnicima već 10. listopada.
Se utilizzate gli smartphone Xiaomi, siamo sicuri che attendete con ansia l'arrivo dell'innovativo sistema operativo HyperOS 2.0. Questo dovrebbe essere disponibile per gli utenti cinesi già dal 10 ...
Wenn Sie Xiaomi-Smartphones nutzen, freuen wir uns sicher schon jetzt auf die Einführung des innovativen Betriebssystems HyperOS 2.0. Dies soll bereits ab dem 10. Oktober für chinesische Nutzer ...
Si vous utilisez des smartphones Xiaomi, nous sommes sûrs que vous attendez avec impatience l'arrivée du système d'exploitation innovant HyperOS 2.0. Celui-ci devrait être disponible pour les ...
Ažuriranje za osnovni model serije i Plus varijantu, dok Pro i Pro Max ostaju na trenutnoj razini. Tjedan dana nakon Appleovog velikog događaja koji je donio novu iPhone 16 seriju, Apple je konačno ...
U 2018. Radeon RX 580 je bila grafička kartica srednje klase. Temeljen na AMD-ovoj Polaris arhitekturi, bio je sposoban pokrenuti većinu igara na visokim ili ultra postavkama pri 1080p i 1440p ...
Un aggiornamento per il modello base della serie e la variante Plus, mentre Pro e Pro Max rimangono al livello attuale. Una settimana dopo il grande evento Apple che ha presentato la nuova serie ...