Humans have always craved a cognitive challenge, just like you crave your daily Wordle.
What is a brown dwarf star? These formations often defy classification, blurring the line between planets and stars.
Parents may worry about connecting with a child who is hard to comfort.
Phones that transmit odors seem like a great idea, but careful what you wish for!
The San people acted as paleontologists and used fossil finds as a basis for stories and pictures.
Ball lightning has fascinated and puzzled people for centuries. This rare and mysterious phenomenon, often described as a ...
Scientists compared one group of water anoles underwater abilities to another group whose bubble-making capacity was blocked ...
Matt is a staff writer for, where he follows new advances in the study of human consciousness and important questions in space science - including whether our universe exists ...
When it comes to mental illness, we’ve come a long way since the days of superstition and sorcery. But we still have work to ...
Is sugar really addictive? It's better to have a low-sugar diet instead of a full sugar detox for both your mind and body ...
Hypothetical Ring System around a modern Earth. Credit: Kevin M. Gill, Wikimedia Commons. Everyone who has ever seen Saturn through a telescope is astonished to see the system of rings that surround ...