In a new evaluation report the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages concludes that while Spain has a well-developed system for the ...
Climate justice and effective action to tackle the triple planetary crises of global warming, pollution and loss of biodiversity are key concerns of young people. From 24 to 26 September, 120 young ...
Some of the instruments produced within the Council of Europe have played a decisive role in the teaching of so-called “foreign” languages by promoting methodological innovations and new approaches to ...
Europe’s largest minority, the Roma and Travellers, face multiple barriers to education, health, employment and political ...
This year’s European Heritage Days festivities have been launched with programmes in more than 40 countries, exploring this year’s theme of “Heritage of Routes, Networks, and Connections.” Lithuania ...
A training session on psychological aspect of successful doctor-patient relationships further enhances professional and networking skills of healthcare professionals and improve their ability to deal ...
Au sein du Cabinet du Président de l'Assemblée, votre stage sera axé sur l'observation et l'assistance dans le cadre des tâches suivantes : Au sein du Bureau de la Secrétaire générale de l’Assemblée, ...
In its second meeting, the Eastern Partnership Platform 1 adopted its Work Programme for 2009-2011, which mainly focuses cooperation on the following areas: Democratic Governance; Improved Functioning ...
The members of the Conference of INGOs are warmly invited to participate in an important webinar on 1st October, from 18:00 ...
“Anayasa Mahkemesinin Temel Haklar Alanındaki Kararlarının Etkili Şekilde Uygulanmasının Desteklenmesi Avrupa Birliği-Avrupa ...
Firstly, the amendments clarify in section 50a of the Danish Aliens Act that the domestic courts, when undertaking a subsequent review of an expulsion order, must make a full examination of whether ...
Mr Bruno FAVEL, Head of the World Heritage Mission, General Directorate for Heritage and Architecture, Ministry of Culture, and Ms Orane PROISY, Head of the European Heritage Projects and Networks ...