Having an extreme consumer mentality can put your finances into some serious trouble. Whether that is excess consumer debt, spending more than you make, not having an emergency fund for unexpected ...
It’s never a good feeling when you find yourself in some serious debt. Whether that is from high student loans, overspending, or making some not-so-good financial decisions. The key is to avoid any ...
After graduating from college, you may be daunted by the fact that it is now time to pay off your student debt. Typically, you have a few months before repayments kick in, but they are coming. It’s ...
As surprising as it may be to you, some 1.7 billion adults worldwide still don’t have access to a bank account, according to data released by the World Bank. This is what you call being “unbanked.” ...
Most people get trapped in the mindset of putting money in their checking or savings account and letting it sit. While that is great for building an emergency fund, at a certain point you want to put ...
Investing during a bear market can be quite intimidating and appear challenging. However, it doesn’t have to be if you ensure you are prepared ahead of time. In a rough economy or during a financial ...
Just when you thought personal finance couldn’t get any more challenging, it can get a bit complicated when you start growing your family. Maybe you just have a spouse currently or you might also have ...
To really understand where your money is going, you’ll want to have specific budget categories that keep everything highly organized. These will help you be more detailed, without having to track ...
The concept of having a side hustle is not new, but it certainly has become extremely popular in recent years. I think even more so with millennials looking for ways to make extra cash. No matter your ...
Having financial excuses is all-too-common and causes many people to delay their financial literacy and their future financial health. According to The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs ...
Photo Credit: Depositphotos. This will not happen overnight, but you’ll need to master self-control. What I’m talking about here is delaying gratification for the sake of helping your finances.
Investing in the stock market can be a mix of emotions and can take you on a roller coaster ride financially if you are not prepared. It can also be intimidating, scary, and sometimes, plain confusing ...