Honolulu-based Barnwell Industries Inc., which specializes in oil and natural gas operations, said today it has sold ...
The oil company began drilling recovery wells in a Bucks County neighborhood where jet fuel leaked into the water.
On Wednesday, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal (left) met with trainers from Holland ahead of a five-day training programme on Well Drilling and Development for employees of the Guyana ...
North Canton residents who live along the west branch of Nimishillen Creek reported seeing a white substance in the creek's ...
Barnwell Industries, Inc. (NYSE American: BRN) (“Barnwell” or the “Company”) today announced the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary, Water Resources International, Inc. (“Water Resources”), a deep ...
Baton Rouge Water Co. spent $3 million to drill twin wells along North Street to intercept underground salt water creeping ...
Back in early April of last year, you may have noticed drilling behind the Valley Square Plaza in Rapid Valley, which was ...
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — At the end of County Road 73, just outside of Calallen along the Nueces River, the city of Corpus Christi is drilling a water well as part of its plan to get more water ...
North Canton officials say the substance was a mix of shale and grit produced during the drilling of a 500-foot-deep water well at the city-owned Arrowhead Golf Club & Event Center at 1500 Rogwin ...
The Company has owned WRI since 1980 and the timing is right for us to end our tenure of water well drilling in Hawaii.” ...
The city plans on putting in more wells along the Nueces River as a way to beef up our water supply until the desal plant ...
Barnwell Industries (BRN) announced the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary, Water Resources International, a deep drilling and well pumping ...