Vulcanul de pe celebra insulă greacă Santorini, vizitată de turişti din întreaga lume, „cunoaşte o activitate seismică uşoară”, au confirmat vineri experţii în domeniu, care nu se arată îngrijoraţi de ...
Fuji Television denies tabloid reports suggesting one of its employees had arranged the meal where Nakai, a member of the 1990s boy band sensation SMAP, met the woman in 2023. Nakai apologises in ...
Vulcanul Fuego din Guatemala a început o nouă fază de erupţie, însoţită de explozii, scurgeri de lavă şi nori de cenuşă, au anunţat autorităţile, care însă nu au ordonat deocamdată ...
NEW YORK -- An affiliate of Dalton Investments, a U.S. activist fund, has sent Japan's Fuji Media Holdings a second letter dated Jan. 21 regarding its lack of management of the issue involving ...
The alleged sexual misconduct of a former boy band member-turned-TV host has prompted Fuji TV and other broadcasters to look into whether there has been any impropriety or exploitative practices ...
The Fujifilm Instax Wide Evo might be the brand's second hybrid instant camera to be released but it's also its first wide format hybrid camera, which means it can be used for taking film pictures ...
Fujifilm has announced that it's bringing another hybrid camera to its popular Instax lineup. The Instax Wide Evo builds on the success of the smaller Instax Mini Evo, which the company released in ...
România intră în atenția lumii arheologice după descoperirea celor mai vechi urme de locuire umană din Europa, vechi de peste 1,95 milioane de ani. Aceasta depășește recordurile stabilite anterior de ...
The Instax Wide Evo Hybrid Instant Camera uses Fujifilm’s wide format instant film and doubles as a smartphone printer. The Instax Wide Evo Hybrid Instant Camera uses Fujifilm’s wide format ...
TOKYO -- More than 50 companies including Toyota Motor and beermaker Suntory Holdings have pulled advertisements from Japan's Fuji Television Network in reaction to sexual misconduct accusations ...
A growing number of companies are suspending their ads on Fuji Television, or even asking the firm to suspend the airing of their sponsored programs. This follows magazine reports that a Fuji TV ...
Here’s how it works. As a hybrid instant camera, you get a large 3.5-inch LCD display to compose your photos, with the option to shoot-first-print-later using Fujifilm's app, complete with an ...