An airline ticket referring to Zimbabwe as using its colonial name - Rhodesia - has sparked outrage and debate online.
The administration prioritizes helping white Afrikaners while pulling support from those vulnerable to HIV/AIDS.
Learn more about this intelligent, friendly yet incredibly active dog and whether you should invite one into your home ...
Ron Draper made a century on his first class debut, batting at no. 3 on his 19th birthday for Eastern Province in 1945 ...
China and the United States are engaged in a battle for access, resources, and influence along railways in Tanzania, Zambia, ...
JULIA Freeman gave a fascinating presentation called “The life and travels of the wife of a bridge engineer” to the Wargrave ...
I received with shock and a resultant deep grief, the news of the transition of Mallam Kabir Dangogo in the wee hours of 7 ...
Young was Georgia’s first Black congressional representative in more than a century; former United Nations Ambassador; 53rd ...
Several other tankers arrived in Beira with Rhodesia-bound oil. Some had come through South African waters and entered Mozambique waters, beyond the reaches of the British warships. The frigate ...