A paleontologist discovered a new species of fossil from 444 million years ago she calls an "inside-out, legless, headless wonder." This new species of ...
Fossils of 444 million-year-old creatures whose bodies were preserved "inside-out" have been discovered in South Africa.
A 444-million-year-old fossil with no head, no legs, and perfectly preserved guts is reshaping what we know about ancient ...
Paleontologists have uncovered a 444-million-year-old fossil with remarkably intact soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, ...
After 25 years of research, a 444-million-year-old inside-out fossil has finally been named. The fossil, which researchers at ...
A new species of fossil from 444 million years ago that has perfectly preserved insides has been affectionately named "Sue" ...
Meet Keurbos susanae, the inside-out fossil named after the discoverer’s mom.
A professor has published details of a rare "inside-out, legless, headless wonder" fossil from 444 million years ago, which ...
A rare fossil from 444 million years ago, which belonged to a previously-undiscovered species, has been named "Sue" after the mother of the palaeontologist who discovered it. Prof Sarah Gabbott has ...
A new species of fossil dating back 444 million years has been named Sue - after its discoverer's mum. Professor Sarah ...
A new species of fossil from 444 million years ago that has perfectly preserved insides has been affectionately named 'Sue' after its discoverer's ...
A new species of fossil is 444 million years-old with soft insides perfectly preserved. Research 'ultramarathon' saw palaeontologist puzzled by bizarre fossil for 25 years.