Worcester Magazine spoke with local Black science leaders about their lives, careers and what lies ahead in an uncertain ...
Seasoned conservator Ivan Myjer is replacing pieces of San Antonio's "major achievement" in historic construction.
where limited volumes of H 2 originating from iron-rich sedimentary layers are produced through boreholes in the subsurface. However, the most promising mechanism for large-scale natural hydrogen ...
Criterion (iii): The rock art images cover a period of about 10,000 years ... conformation of Tassili n'Ajjer includes Precambrian crystalline elements and sedimentary sandstone successions of great ...
such as Art Deco. Many Dolomite varieties offer more in terms of durability than their sedimentary cousins, making it more impervious to liquids and therefore a fan favourite when it comes to ...
There’s a moment when your eyes first scan the stone facade of Hardy Sweet Shop that your stomach does a little flip – not ...
A paleo-art reconstruction of a scene from the late Early Triassic ... and vertebrate fossils preserved in sedimentary rocks spanning the Early Triassic, which followed the end-Permian extinction ...
There’s a moment when you step into Hardy Sweet Shop in Hardy, Arkansas, when your adult brain short-circuits and your inner eight-year-old takes the wheel. Suddenly, dental bills and sugar concerns ...
Dubai restaurant MYATA Platinum has broken the Guinness World Record for world's largest 3D printed structure by volume.
Some of South Africa’s most valued San rock art can be found in the Free State ... The Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains represent the best-preserved succession of volcanic and sedimentary rock dating ...