Russia's annexation of Crimea was recognized internationally only by countries such as North Korea and Sudan. In Russia, it ...
Sale 2025 is finally here, and it’s a goldmine for horror fans looking to grab some spine-chilling classics at ridiculously low prices.
Between this, the shrewd use of jump scares, and general atmosphere of the space station Sevastopol, Alien: Isolation is a gut-wrenching experience that's genuinely tough to play for extended periods.
Even as the war rages on, Ukrainians are reassured that the US president did not bend to Russia’s ceasefire demands.
The Oldest House – the home of the Bureau for Control – is one of the most memorable pieces of architecture in all of gaming, not least because it tends to shift around with a life of its own.
Amanda, who has survived the pursuit of Xenomorph, will learn the terrible truth as she tries to take back control of the station. The story finally catches up to its opening scenes, with Amanda ...
Ukrainian forces blew up bridges, shot at Russian tanks and infantry, downed a helicopter – and thwarted Russia’s advance towards the nearby southern Ukrainian nuclear power station ...
Until October 2023, Sevastopol was the home port of Russia’s once-powerful ... shows the fighter tracked by local air tracking stations near the city of Targu Mures and disappearing when en route to ...
If you’re looking for inspiration from video game architecture, I’ve picked out ten games that really stand out from the crowd. These are games that take the principles of archviz seriously as much as ...