10 countries around the world without a single river and the alternative source of water that these countries have explored ...
A coalition of environmental organizations is calling on international financial institutions, including the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, to reexamine the utility of financing hydropower ...
Industries and farming there contribute as much as 40% of China's whole economy. This vast river – the biggest in Asia and third longest in the world – is also hugely important because of the variety ...
The river dolphins of South Asia are blind, anti-social animals that spend most of their lives swimming on their sides. These dolphins never see the ocean, and are a far cry from the popular image of ...
“The only surviving population of Indus river dolphins in India is found in the Beas river in Punjab while the majority reside in the main course of the Indus river in Pakistan,” the survey, conducted ...
More information: Aminjon Gulakhmadov et al, Modeling of historical and future changes in temperature and precipitation in the Panj River Basin in Central Asia under the CMIP5 RCP and CMIP6 SSP ...