More than 100,000 nonhuman primates, including baboons, macaques, marmosets, and other monkeys, are held or used for research ...
Discover the fascinating link between human and primate grooming behavior in this intriguing study that reveals a dominant ...
Monkeys infected with Ebola can be cured with a pill, according to a new study out Friday that could pave the way for more ...
A national medical ethics group is pressuring regulators to shutter Oregon Health & Science University’s primate research ...
Most people are familiar with Pavlovian conditioning, in which a reward-anticipatory behavior follows a reward-predicting ...
Over the past couple of weeks, advertisements have been popping up on TV and social media, urging the closure of the Oregon National Primate Center in Hillsboro.
Multi-dimensional social relationships dynamically shape attentional biases toward in-group and out-group conspecifics in monkeys, with oxytocin modulating these interactions to reveal neurobiological ...
It's federally illegal but marijuana is legal recreationally or medically across dozens of states, and pregnant women who use ...
A pet monkey escaped from a home in southern Peru, broke into nearby residences, and wreaked havoc until rescuers arrived, ...