How do symbioses between plants and fungi develop? How do plants decide whether or not to enter into a partnership with fungi ...
Plant Physiology, the most-cited journal in the plant science category, is seeking nominations to succedd Yunde Zhao as Editor-in-Chief.
Researchers from Kyushu University have developed a new numerical model to explain the behavior of sunlight under various ...
Kyushu University researchers created a model to study how sunlight affects plants under different weather conditions.
Home > Press release: Hormones determine whether plants form ...
To celebrate a century of scientific research in the Barro Colorado Nature Monument, a series of volumes will provide a ...
Plants survive cold by adjusting at cellular level. Scientists discovered that the PORCUPINE protein helps plants adapt to ...
Social media users were amazed by the plant's transformation, with one saying: "This should be used in a national ad campaign ...
Pollen exposure is lasting longer and intensifying nationwide, data shows, as warmer temperatures take over more of the year.
Researchers from Kyushu University have developed a new numerical model to explain the behavior of sunlight under various weather ...