some are from Tamil Nadu and some are from Andhra Pradesh. As of now, one body has been identified," he said. Tirupati Stampede LIVE: Andhra Pradesh Deputy CM said, “We are taking the ...
Recounting the horror, D Venkata Lakshmi, one of the survivors of the stampede, said that for five minutes, they thought all of them were dead. She added that had the police allowed devotees to ...
Lack of adequate arrangements to manage the crowds resulted in a stampede late Wednesday evening, in which at least six devotees died and over 40 were were injured. The festival allows devotees to ...
Shanthi was among the six people who died in the stampede at Tirupati on Wednesday ... to collect tokens for the special 'darshan'. At one point, another woman in the queue started feeling ...
Kakinada:Nearly 50 persons lost their lives during the past 12 years in several stampede events on festive occasions, including the six devotees killed in the Tirupati incident, records show.
HYDERABAD, Jan 9 (Reuters) - At least six people were killed and 35 injured in a stampede near one of India's busiest and richest temples, after thousands of devout Hindus assembled there to ...
A massive rush of devotees attempting to secure tokens resulted in the stampede. One of the devotees was from Tamil Nadu's Salem. Sixteen people were injured during the incident and were taken to ...
A stampede at the Lord Venkateswara temple in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, resulted in six deaths as thousands jostled for tickets to a major religious event. Tirupati stampede updates: Jostling ...
“This year we have Trigun Stampede Exhibition in Japan and continue our efforts in production of Stargaze,” the special message from Orange continues. “From one show to another, our ...
The stampede occurred during a 10-day festival at Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple in India's southern state of Andhra Pradesh. The state authorities launched an investigation into the incident.
DUBAI - At least three women were killed and five children injured in a stampede in the landmark Umayyad Mosque in Damascus on Friday, the Syrian civil defence said. The children suffered ...
At least six people died and several others were injured after a stampede broke out near the ... escalated as gates were opened to help one unwell devotee out of the queue. Soon after the gates ...