We should even consider participating in daily Mass. Liturgy of the Hours Another way to continually live a sacramental life is to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. This prayer is no longer for ...
NCR readers respond to John Grosso's coverage of Bishop Robert Barron's reflection on his time at Trump's joint address.
We can see that the parts of the Good Friday service correspond to the divisions of Mass: Liturgy of the Word - reading of the Passion. Intercessory prayers for the Church and the entire world ...
A charismatic healing liturgy will take place Wednesday, March 12, at Christ Our Light Roman Catholic Church, 1 Maria Drive.
Mass is offered daily at Boston College and ... students who have received the other sacraments of initiation the opportunity to be Confirmed. Liturgy at Boston College is an experience of true ...
The new composition premiered this month in Georgia at the Lyke House Catholic Center, with a planned expansion due in the ...
Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent, is March 5. The Archdiocese of Agana has released the Mass schedule for ...
Thattil and his vicar Archbishop Joseph Pamplany also appealed to the warring priests and laity to offer at least one Mass ...
The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) restored the practice of celebrating Mass in local languages, ensuring that the faithful could fully understand and participate in the liturgy. This latest ...
A new Institute for Liturgical Formation, organized by members and friends of Christendom College’s Graduate School of ...