Do you desperately want to change but can't break free? Your self-identity might be the invisible force keeping you stuck.
Whilst it's true that some people are genetically predisposed to be happier than others, studies have shown that around 60% ...
Seligman reads a lot of books, from which he has acquired various ... Volume I follows young Joe as portrayed by Stacy Martin, and Volume II follows the older Joe in later life and Seligman's ...
Studies from Dr. Martin Seligman, the father of Positive Psychology ... focus on activities that give you a lasting and ...
Sanchita is a bibliophile, and a certified hoarder of all things makeup, clothes, and books. She lives to ... will be well and be hopeful." - Martin E. P. Seligman Optimism won’t end your ...
The camera zooms to the marquee of the Lido Theatre, where the double-feature billing reads, “FRANK SINATRA DEAN MARTIN DEBORAH KERR ... too much interest at the book about himself.
In this paper we will discuss how positive psychology can contribute to the design of digital games and in particular training applications like Serious Games. While digital games have been known for ...