Canada has a clean bill of health when it comes to mad cow disease (BSE), but we still require the cattle and beef sector to ...
Ohio is continuing to see deer test positive from a fatal neurological disease. It could have implications for the species’ ...
Chronic Wasting Disease, also known as zombie deer disease, is fatal for deer and elk, and has a similar effect on the ...
Cattle that can't walk to slaughter on their own are deemed "downer cows" because they may be sick. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer said Sunday in a statement that the recall was prompted ...
A silent but deadly epidemic is creeping through North America and scientists are sounding the alarm.
A talented vet who first discovered mad cow disease has been remembered for his commitment, persistence and contributions to ...
The Zombie Deer Disease gets its eerie nickname from the way it affects infected animals, causing them to exhibit zombie-like ...
But now, beef tallow is back. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. This revival is part of a ...
In a hearing today in front of the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, Secretary Vilsack suggested that consumers should rely on smartphones for basic consumer information about the foods ...
The Hanwoo Association, a nonprofit overseeing Korea’s beef industry, has strongly opposed lifting the 2008 ban on imports of US beef from cattle over 30 months old, citing potential public unease ...
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has confirmed two cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild deer – one in LaGrange County and the other in Posey County. Michigan recently had ...
“Many studies show that 2,4 D exposure is associated with various forms of cancer, Parkinson’s disease, hormone disruption and birth defects. Children are especially susceptible,” said Wenonah Hauter, ...