As a young potter, he turned up on the doorstep of an octogenarian master of modern painting. They grew so close it became a ...
The celebration will center on the painting "Birch and Pine No. 2" by Georgia O'Keeffe, which has been in the museum's collection for more than 30 years. The event will feature a tea service, a ...
His wife, Anna Marie Hamilton, said the cause was complications from a subdural hematoma linked to injuries he had suffered in the past. Mr. Hamilton first met O’Keeffe in 1973, ...
Pita Lopez leaves the role of preserving the larger-than-life Georgia O'Keeffe legacy to find her own place in the world.
Juan Hamilton, an aspiring artist who enriched the last years of painter Georgia O’Keeffe as her much younger caretaker, confidant and protégée, but who became the object of sensational ...
The Mint is one of 10 museums in the country that’s been chosen to be a part of the gallery’s “unprecedented” program “Across ...
Acclaimed photographer Joel Meyerowitz and artist Maggie Barrett have been in a creatively rich relationship for 30 years.
“Dancers Backstage” by Edgar Degas, “Jack-in-Pulpit — No. 2” by Georgia O’Keeffe and “Autumn Drama” by Alma Thomas will be on view starting April 8, the Mint said Monday. The ...