Ogi Coffee, Gelato & Bakeshop has found a new home in Cy-Fair after moving from its previous location off Hwy. 6 and FM 529 in Copperfield.
Whether it’s Quentin Tarantino’s deep references to his favorite martial-arts films, Barbara Kingsolver’s re-invention of ...
Wandering Stars author Tommy Orange and Martyr! author Kaveh Akbar teamed up for a Bay Area book tour this month, stopping at six independent bookstores and the East Bay Innovation Academy, a school ...
Millions of people are addicted to watching Vegas Matt lose money. I went to Vegas to figure out why we can’t look away.
Estonian music industry pioneer Jüri Makarov will share memories of the legendary "Rock Summer" festival, the early days of ...
Tom Zeller has taken a vacant space in Far North Dallas and turned it into a living recreation of the fabled Titanic ...
Rock'n St. Patrick's Celebration: Shorewood Pub in Detroit Lakes will host a "Rock'n St. Patrick's Celebration" from 7-11 p.m ...
I was like a mini David Copperfield. It was really exciting ... "Magic is a little bit like learning music. You first learn scales, minor chords, major chords, what things can be put together ...
“It was incredible.” So in 1980, Slater made his Broadway debut in “The Music Man,” and that was followed by roles in “Copperfield,” “Macbeth” and “Merlin.” He attended schools ...
She isn't the only famous visitor in history - Charles Dickens stayed while his house in Higham was being renovated, with the town then mentioned in both David Copperfield and Great Expectations.
A t a private baccarat table near the back of the El Cortez Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on a chilly January afternoon, a ...