More than 40 years on from the 1984 fire, the historic church has teamed up with heritage body Historic England to test out a ...
Believers like Garry Tan are flipping the script in the venture capital world, making faith matter just as much as the ...
The Red Barn Antique Mall rises from the landscape like a guardian of forgotten treasures, its faded boards and rustic charm ...
With a 3D printer, a projector and a lot of pixie dust (spray paint), you too can bring Disneyland into your home.
The homes have all the amenities of a conventionally built community. They come in 2- and 3-bedroom models and start at just ...
This year’s Celtic Cross Ceremony was different than in years past. Instead of proceeding to Emmet Park, this year’s Celtic Cross Ceremony remained inside the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the ...
by 7News Staff TOPICS: WASHINGTON (7News) — Missed the 83 years it took to build Washington's National Cathedral? Now you can watch it rise again — this time from LEGO bricks! When completed ...
There's a room in Boston City Hall where you can see the entire city all at once. The planning department's model room is a large, open space that houses a 1:40 inch scale, three-dimensional ...
Former monk Justo Gallego Martinez spent 60 years constructing a mammoth cathedral in Mejorada del Campo near Madrid. The 96-year-old single-handedly created one of the world's most astonishing ...
This size differential can be important because customers that require internal deployments, such as finance and healthcare, often must place their AI models inside their firewalls. This means ...