In India, poor families go bankrupt as they spend their life's savings on dowries and weddings trying to outdo relatives, ...
If you want to learn more about Indian Gods – including Shiva, Ganesha and Saraswati – and their Japanese counterparts, you have come to the right place.
The Yuezhi tribes of Central Asia, who had pushed the Shakas into the Indian subcontinent, were the last to make their way ...
Prof Suresh Chander The Swastika is one of the oldest and most universally recognized symbols in human history, transcending ...
Unfortunately, no confirmed authentic works of Wang have survived and the reliability of the some hundred ancient copies ...
The Ranjana script is visually intricate and has deep cultural and historical significance. It is primarily used by the Newa ...
Civilization 7 gives players the option to win the game through the Culture they build up. These are the best Wonders to make ...
The state’s department of Language, Art and Culture (LAC) initially framed a plan to transfer its care to the Archaeological ...
Bodh Gaya (or Buddha Gaya as it is called in Sri Lanka), is the place where the Buddha attained Enlightenment. It was a major ...
Not many Indian tourists are aware that Thailand boasts of one of the largest open-air museums in the world. It lies just an ...
India’s medieval period was characterised by “maritime neglect” which happened due to historical circumstances and as a ...