Desalegn Tasew, the Head of the war-torn Amhara Regional State Peace and Security Bureau and Cluster Coordinator for Administrative Affairs, visited the Bir Sheleko Basic Paramilitary Training Center, ...
Civilian casualties are rising as deadly clashes that began in parts of the conflict-hit Amhara region last Friday continue into this week. Residents told Addis Standard that "numerous people were ...
Most of Asia's major rivers find their source on the Tibetan plateau. However as the global temperature rises, Tibet’s glaciers are melting and grassland permafrost is thawing at an alarming rate.
More than two years after a cessation of hostilities ended a brutal civil war, Ethiopia’s Tigray region should be well along the road to recovery. Instead, its ruling Tigray People’s Liberation Front ...
The Plateau Ministry of Education has closed down two private schools in Jos for operating below minimum standard. Mr Sabastine John, the Director, Quality Assurance of the Plateau Ministry of ...
Waze is not only the king of traffic data thanks to its built-in incident reporting engine, but at the same time, it's also the king of customization options in the navigation software space.
High lever regional officials from Ethiopia's war-torn Amhara regional state are seeking $10 billion in recovery funding as the region continued to grapple with the devastating impact of the ...