Sylvester Stallone, best known for his Philly-based Rocky franchise, is slated to save Hollywood from “foreign countries” taking away movie business and usher in a new “Golden Age of Hollywood.” Jon Voight and Mel Gibson are expected to take part in this endeavor,
The president-elect announced on his social media site this week that the three actors would be his eyes and ears to the movie making town.
President-elect Donald Trump has named actor Mel Gibson, Sylvester Stallone and Jon Voight as his "special envoys" to Hollywood.
Special envoys are typically chosen to respond to troubled hotspots like the Middle East, not California Donald Trump wants to make Hollywood "bigger, better and stronger" and has cast Mel Gibson, Jon Voight and Sylvester Stallone as stars of what he is calling his "Special Ambassadors to a great but very troubled place,
Stallone, Gibson and Voight are all outspoken fans of the president-elect, unlike the majority of Hollywood celebrities.
It is currently unclear what the actors will actually be doing or the type of changes that Trump wants to make. “It is my honor to announce Jon Voight, Mel Gibson, and Sylvester
President-elect Donald Trump wants to make Hollywood "bigger, better and stronger" and has cast Mel Gibson, Jon Voight and Sylvester Stallone as stars of what he is calling his "Special Ambassadors to a great but very troubled place, Hollywood, California."
Days before taking his oath of office, President-elect Donald Trump announced Thursday that he is appointing actors Mel Gibson, Sylvester Stallone and Jon Voight as special ambassadors to Hollywood
The best laid plans for Donald Trump’s inauguration — the pomp and circumstance of the outdoor Capitol swearing in ceremony followed by a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue — have been stymied by Mother Nature.
A look at the lineup of official inaugural events for the four days surrounding Trump's second inauguration as president. It's unclear how the decision to move Trump's swearing-in indoors to the Capitol Rotunda might affect the scheduled lineup for the ceremony:
President Joe Biden shared a tidbit of one of his conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the war on Palestine, though the revelation didn’t leave either country in a particularly good light.