Students and community members shared their positive Brandeis experiences at the #BrandeisIsOurHouse event last week. TARGETED: “Public/ Private Enemy” by Amanda Pereira ’15 represents, she says, the ...
What can be said about the first year experience? Perhaps there is little of the topic I can touch upon. I can’t talk about everyone’s experience — only my own. In my experience, it’s been a wild ride ...
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ROLL DEIS: Midfielder Dylan Hennessy ’20 gets ready to crush the ball across the pitch during a match on Nov. 12.
ROOSEVELT FELLOWS: The Academic Services program offers one-on-one peer mentoring with a focus on helping students choose classes.
“Not to be rude, but can I say something?” says my friend, who has never picked up a softball. I nod yes and they say, “Your field does look like all of the dinky little league fields that I drive by ...
As the Brandeis community heads into the first week of in-person classes, community members continue to voice concern and confusion surrounding the return of students to campus and the University’s ...