Draw the ball back across one hip, keeping your elbows slightly bent, as you turn your chest away from the target. Sweep the ball off your hip as you swing your hands through an arc, keeping your ...
This is one of the methods used to restart play when the ball has gone over a team's dead ball line. For example, if the attacking team kicks the ball beyond the dead ball line, a member of the ...
The movie is 400k and should take no more than 2 minutes to download over a 56k modem. It is designed to be played on computers with at least a 400Mhz processor and users with slower machines may ...
A left-arm spin delivery turns from the leg side to the off when bowled at a right-handed batsmen. The way the ball is bowled is exactly the same as a right-arm off spinner would deliver a normal off ...
This would be called when a batsman is running two or more, but fails to make his ground and puts his bat in short at one of the turns. Knocking a run off the score is signalled by touching one ...
With players smashing the shuttlecock at speeds of up to 160 mph, badminton is in fact the world's fastest racquet sport.
They are designed to quickly replace the fluids which are lost by sweating. They also provide a boost of carbohydrates. The body prefers to use glucose as its source of energy. Sometimes it is better ...
Estos son algunos de los métodos más utilizados en los países en los que existe la pena de muerte.
Find out the size details of a football pitch. Did you know that not all pitches are the same size? The length of a pitch must be between 100 yards (90m) and 130 yards (120m) and the width not less ...
Fielding is a crucial part of cricket and there are many areas where a fielder will be placed. The position names can seem a little strange to the untrained eye. You can field in the slips, at gully, ...
How long does a game last? A game of netball lasts for an hour. The match is split into fifteen minute quarters with a three-minute break between the first and second and the third and fourth quarters ...
Regulation football is played by two teams of 11 players but there is a variety of formations that can be employed.